The Secret of Powerful Marketing? (2 Must-Have Ingredients)

Two cooking ingredients on black and grey table.

Good copy and marketing is a mystery to most.

Should I sell more?

Should I focus more on brand personality?

What’s the optimal mix?

It’s not an easy question to answer. And many pull their hair out trying to figure it out.

But the truth is:

Both selling (i.e., direct-response copywriting) AND brand personality are important.

You need direct-response copy for getting that initial sell and quick wins.

But you need brand personality to create a long-term customer. After all, people want to do business with people (and people have personalities, which brands should have as well).

Yet, if all you do is sell to people (even with powerful direct-response copywriting), they won’t form a bond with you. In this case, you sacrifice your customer’s longevity.

(And possibly your business, too)

On the other hand, if your business has a “personality,” as in, something that feels human and has values and emotion, customers will be more likely to stay.

(Just like a person IRL. If they gel with your personality, you want to hang out more. It’s as simple as that)

But “hanging out” with a business doesn’t equal sales.

And consistent sales are the lifeblood of a business. Without it, it shrivels up and dies.

So what do you do?

Simple – combine direct-response copy (i.e., sales) with brand personality.

With both, you can get those quick, upfront wins in the form of clicks and sales. And also get a long-term customer who sticks around because they like your brand personality.

The question then, is a matter of ratio.

How much direct-response copy should I market with?

How much brand personality should I emphasize?

80/20? 50/50?

What’s the “optimal” ratio?

In truth, there’s no perfect number.

What matters is you try to implement both.

But we can break it down to two basic methods:

  1. Alternate between sales and brand content (as in, sell something in one piece of content, then maybe share tips in another), or:
  2. Blend sales with brand content (e.g., share tips in your content but logically link the tips to an offer of yours)

And of course, the secret 3rd option is to combine both methods.

Honestly, I’ve seen all three options work.

You could argue it boils down to the brand personality and just say, “well, let’s just say our brand sells like ‘this’ and call it a day.”

This approach wouldn’t be wrong.

Personally, I use the “blend” approach. It feels more natural and conforms to the direct-response copywriting concept of hiding your promotions as the medium it’s in.

(e.g., if you’re selling something in a newspaper, write the sales piece so it looks like a news article)

Not that the other option is wrong.

In fact, alternating between “sales piece” and “content piece” is convenient for simplicity and clarity. You may have an easier time mapping out your marketing strategy that way as well.

It’s up to you.

So, what’s the final verdict?

Well, I’d say…

Do both. Not just one or the other. Ultimately, as long as you hit both concepts in your marketing, you’ll be okay.

Now, let me show you how I use the “blend” approach.

Right now, I just shared some insight into how marketing can be executed. I’ve demonstrated proof and authority because of it.

This means I can reasonably and logically push my offer. This is how you blend copy with content. They support each other in the same piece, allowing you to “sell without selling.”

Make sense?

Now, let’s finish it off:

If you’d like help with marketing that blends sales-inducing direct-response copywriting with brand personality (especially in an email setting)…

Just hit me up and we’ll get things started asap.


How to Craft Unforgettable Headlines Using the 4 U’s

Number four written on yellow sign against grassy field.

One of the most powerful concepts I’ve run across as an AWAI-trained copywriter is the 4 U’s Technique.

It’s a simple but incredibly effective headline-writing method that captures your reader’s attention.

And most importantly, it’s an easy-to-follow formula that you can use today.

How does it work?

Using the 4 U’s Technique, you’ll write Useful, Unique, Urgent, and Ultra-specific Headlines

You should focus on these four elements to create a headline that immediately grabs attention and generates interest.

Here’s how they work:

  • Useful: Your headlines should be useful to the reader. This means they need to clarify why reading your copy will benefit them. For example, you can use phrases like “Discover How to…”, “Learn the Secret to…” or “Find Out How to…”
  • Unique: Make sure you don’t parrot the same language everyone else uses. Make your headlines stand out by being unusual and unexpected. For instance, instead of “7 Tips for Better Writing, “try “Turn Your Writing into Pulitzer Prize-Worthy Talent with These 7 Tips.” Or “Solve Your Writing Woes with These 7 Surprising Tips.” This will make your headlines more eye-catching and memorable.
  • Urgent: People are motivated by urgency, so you should use it in your headlines. Think of ways to hint at the concept of “now” and “immediate solution.” For example, you could use phrases like “In Just 10 Minutes…” or “Learn the Secret to Writing Great Copy in 2 Hours.” Or you could make them feel like time is running out with “Only 5 Days Left to Get This Offer!” and “Hurry – Offer Ends in 24 Hours!” You’ll be able to tap into the reader’s sense of urgency and get them to take action right away.
  • Ultra-specific: Your headlines should be as specific as possible. If you can include numbers, facts, or dates in your headlines, that’s even better. For instance, you could try something like “Learn How to Make 1 Million Dollars with These 5 Steps” or “5 Habits of Highly Successful Writers in 2020.” Not only will this draw attention, but it will also show that you have something valuable to offer. Plus, details tend to be more credible and trustworthy than pure promises.

Now that you know the 4 U’s Technique, you have to aim to make your headline use at least 3 (but ideally 4) of the U’s. Then, you’ll be able to craft headlines that truly grab attention and make readers want to click on your content… read it top to bottom… and click on those all-important “CTA” buttons.

…And ultimately, get you more sales.

But if that seems like too much work, you can always rely on an AWAI-trained copywriter to craft headlines that will make your content shine. Specifically, I’m talking about me!

Reach out and find out how I can help you make your content stand out. And together, we’ll ensure all your headlines are absolute powerhouses that get you the results (and sales) you want.

-Ericson Ay Mires

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Number one on red background

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