How To Not Send Your Email List To Snoozeville

Do your emails make readers yawn out loud?

Or even worse, do they get deleted without being opened?

If you want to keep your list interested (and prevent eye-rubs or deletions), then you MUST talk about things that perk their ears up in interest.

Otherwise, you’ll quickly find your email list dwindling.

(And your profits will quickly match it…)

In truth, you don’t need to pull your hair out wondering if your email copy is “good enough.”

After all, your email list is made up of people who WANT to hear from you.

They are interested in what you have to say (or they wouldn’t have signed up in the first place).

But it’s not helpful to just say that, so let’s get you rolling with some actual ideas.

Idea the first:

Talk Problems

Talk about your prospects problem in excruciating detail.

What does their day-to-day look like?

What are the challenges they face?

How do those challenges make them feel?

Answering these questions will give you a TON of email fodder that practically magnetizes your readers to your emails.

By validating your readers emotions like this, you’ve proven you understand their plight. And if they see that you recognize their circumstances, they’ll be more likely to both like AND trust you more.

And that will lead to more sales in the future.

The second idea?

Anything Interesting!

You can find interesting things by paying attention to news in your industry, reading other blogs (especially the ones that are popular with your target market), or by simply chatting with people you know.

Here’s a few ideas you can steal:

  • Anecdotes from your life
  • A funny story
  • News stories that tie into what you do (or are at least interesting)
  • A “day in the life” of what you do
  • An interview with someone you know/respect in your industry

And MANY more as well.

The goal here is to connect these ideas with a problem your market has… or a solution your offer has (which solves a problem your market has).

Not only is this entertaining for your list (and will literally make them WANT to read your emails)…

It’s also fun to write as well!

You’ll quickly find out that when you have fun writing your emails, that emotion is then transferred to your readers as well.

And once they’ve been infected with your positive mood, you’ll see a difference in how they interact with you (and your offers). Notably, you’ll see more people buying from you.

And there you have it – two basic topics to focus your emails around.

It’s short, simple, and HIGHLY effective for practically any business out there.

So put these ideas to work and watch your email profits soar.


P.S. Do you find writing emails (or any marketing and sales material) not to be your cup of tea? Don’t sit cluelessly at a blank screen another second if you loathe writing. Just send me a quick message and I’ll get to writing you some emails your list will love.