How to sell in every email without feeling dirty about it

“I want to make more sales from my emails… but don’t want to bombard my list with so many hard sells.”

A valid concern.

But if you want a thriving business… and want your email marketing to pull its weight…

…you’ve gotta find a way to sell without upsetting your list.

And there is a way.

Luckily, it’s a win/win situation for you AND your list.

Here’s the key:

Always soft sell to your list.

And what I mean by that is write your emails in such a way that you can plug your offer in without it drawing too much attention to itself.

How? Just make sure your emails are…

1. Entertaining, and…
2. Beneficial

(In that order).

It’s easy to find beneficial content online. So you need to add some entertainment value to make your list not only open to reading your emails… but happy to do so as well.

A great way to do this is stories.

People are hardwired to listen to stories. Just share an interesting story that’s relevant to your audience, and then tie it to a benefit your product or service has. That’s all you need to do.

Even better is to use testimonial stories. Not only do you get the benefit of telling a story, but you also get to use social proof to build your credibility. People will naturally think “If they got x results, then why not me?”

Make sense?

If you can get your audience pulled in with stories (and entertain them) with each email, are they really going to mind if you slip in your offer quietly at the end?

Probably not.


P.S. Struggling to get more sales from your emails? Send me a message and I’ll write up some emails your list will love (and buy from).

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